Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Funny Stories

I know it's been a while since I've written on the blog...I guess that shows how busy we've been lately!! Brandon and I are working hard at work trying to outlast our fulough days and less staff and keeping our heads above water!! It's been a roller coaster year for us and we are happy to be where we are.

Meanwhile, Parker keeps growing and becomes more and more of a little man everyday. He is learning new words everyday and his attitude becomes more developed with each hour. Usually our little man enjoys helping mommy with anything she is working on...on Sunday I asked him if he would help me take the recycling out to the garage and he looked up at me, rolled his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, sighed...I wonder what his little mind is thinking..."do I have to help mom with everything!" All of this after helping daddy and papa work on building a gate on the deck!!

Usually Momma is Parker's favorite person...unless daddy is going outside or has donuts. Parker loves being outside and he really loves "bubows" (bubbles) and the "bi slide" (big slide) that Erin and Weston Smith gave to him. He also loves his neighborhood buddies and plays outside with them for hours almost every evening.

I took donuts to work yesterday and for desert last night, Parker and Mommy shared a donut. Every morning when Parker wakes up he wants his Mommy to hold him while he watches cartoons....this morning he ran straight past Mommy and ran to the kitchen where he found the donuts...he pointed and said "Mmmm, Yum, Yum." So...Parker had a donut for breakfast.

Lately we've had a lot of fun watching Parker and his big sister, Bella, interact. Parker gets a big kick out of chasing Bella around the house and grabbing her tail...Bella's face is priceless because you can tell she is very annoyed, but she lets him do this. For anyone that knows Bella, this is probably a surprise- as she is the most moody dog on the planet. Bella also enjoys playing outside with Parker and they are both advocates for each other in getting the parents to let them go outside and play. We are looking forward to our summer- although we won't be taking any vacations until September, we are going to take at least a couple of short trips to Clinton Lake, Pittsburg (our old stomping ground), and maybe Pomona Lake - with our pop-up!

As things slow down at work, I'll try to write more and tell some more Parker stories! We'll get a video up soon of Parker showing his muscles!! :)

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