Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Feeling Settled

Tonight I experienced something I haven't felt for a few months.

Tonight I felt at peace.  I felt 'just right'.

I feel settled.

We moved in June.  Duh, right?!

Well, since then, we've been going, going, going...enjoying summer, working on our home, raising two little boys, going on vacation, and just living life to the fullest.  And, like it does every year, school started and it feels like I've just hit a concrete wall.  You know the feeling.  Bam!  It's here.  There's no turning back now.

And, with both boys going to new schools, this Momma's heart has been stretched to the limit this week.

But tonight I feel good.

This new place we're in.  It's perfect.

Our neighbors are won-der-ful.  You may know them?!  If you do, you know that we are pretty darn lucky to have snagged a house in their cul-de-sac.  Our kids have quickly become best buds and I am so thankful for their friendship and support throughout the summer!!  We are family now, just so you know.  Just don't involve Parker in any more 'building projects'....he doesn't need any more injuries! Ha!

And, let's not forget the other friends who now live close by who have quickly become my kid's best friends...and for all of us adults, it's like the past 10 years haven't changed us at all!  {I love these friends!}

The schools.  Ohhhhh, the schools.  Well, most importantly, the teachers!  Both boys have the sweetest teachers and every single staff member is extra sweet to this 'new' family.  Not to mention the kids.  I'm so thankful for the friends we knew before going in to this new school year.  And, the boy's super awesome cuz, who just happens to be a 5th grader.  What's more cool than walking home with an awesome 5th grader?!

Speaking of cousins...did you know that we are now closer to all of my nieces and nephews?!  We get to see at least three cousins, daily, and I couldn't ask for anything more than the sweet girls that come over every day to play...or do homework...or watch movies.  Sometimes it's like a circus around here, but I just adore all of the kids who come over every day.  Life is definitely exciting!

Oh man, am I thankful for the kind families and kiddos that we've met through baseball, soccer, and Cub Scouts.  Welcoming a 'new kid' onto your team or pack isn't always easy.  And, tonight when Parker was having a dry spell in hits, I love how every kid on the bench cheered for him and as he walked up to bat, each coach pulled him aside and gave him a pep talk.  Moments like this are reminders for my 'stretched too thin heart' that the boys are doing just fine and {still} have so many people looking out for them {even in this new town}.

Okay, so, tonight I laid down to read to {super sleepy} Andrew, and after a crazy night at the ballpark, where Andrew {accidentally} had sand thrown into his eyes...and after the mom of the boy who {didn't mean to} did it apologized like 50 times, and after a day where we {the neighbors who are like 'family'} walked Parker to school while he rode his bike, and I walked up to the school where the principal came over and chatted with us and even acknowledged Andrew by his name and told him good morning, and then I ran into a baseball mom who told me her son would be at Parker's birthday party, and then we spent the  morning playing with one cousin only to pick another one up from school where we got to see our very best friend, Jayma...and not to mention we saw a little friend from the lake, and then when we dropped Andrew off at school in the car line for the first time and I felt like I wanted to burst in to tears because he is getting too big, only to get a wave from his new speech therapist as I was pulling out of line, which put my heart at ease, and then the girls and I had a quiet afternoon, leading to a cra-zy afternoon after school with all of the kids gathering at our house {Brandon came home to find me playing in the basement with 7 kiddos!}, and a night at the ball park, with new friends and grandparents and a very apologetic mom and a sad Andrew...leading me to the moment I was putting Andrew to bed...where I realized that we are settled.  We are feeling settled.

And I want to write about it.


I can't wait until I have time to share some photos.  I can't wait to show you just how settled we are!

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