Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Parker!

Parker's 3rd birthday was yesterday and Brandon and I both took the day off to do whatever Parker wanted to do! We started out the day with presents!! Mom and Dad picked out the perfect gifts for Parker- he's been wanting a "ball game" for a few months now...which is really a marble run set. Parker opened it up and was so excited...he knew what it was before he got all of paper off! His other gifts from Mom, Dad, and Bella were an Air Hockey game, Pixos, a View Master (Toy Story 3, of course), and an ant...don't ask, it's something that Brandon picked out.

After presents, we went on a tour of parks in Ottawa- Parker loves a new playground so we went to Heritage Park- one we had never been to. It was FUN! We also went downtown to the City Park, where Parker played on the playground and in the rocks.

For lunch, we got to go eat at Wendy's with Aunt Dana- Parker's favorite place to eat! If you ask him what he's going to order, he'll tell you, "Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Ketchup, and a Frosty!" Parker loves to go into Wendy's and eat (I'm not sure why) and he also loves to dip his fries in his Frosty...just like Dad.

After a fun morning, we went home and watched Space Buddies....and Parker and Brandon rested for a while. I went to get a surprise for Parker and when I got home, both boys were sleeping and Star Wars was on. I would be asleep too!

When Parker woke up, there was a party set up just for him! He had tons of balloons, fun party decorations, and his family was on their way. We also had his favorite for dinner- spaghetti! Parker had a great time playing with his family that got to come visit him- all of his grandmas and grandpas, and some of his aunts and uncles. He couldn't wait to open their gifts, so as they came in the door, he would grab it and tear it open! LOL! His excitement was too much!

Parker had a great 3rd birthday and we are all excited for his party this Saturday, where there is another surprise in store for Parker!! I can't believe our little man is three! The cutest part is that now Parker tells people that they have to say "Happy Birthday" to Baby Carl when they say it to him! :)

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