Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Sweetie Boy ~ Turning Three

Me: 'Andrew, are you Momma's Sweetie Boy?

Andrew: 'Ice (yes), me Momma.  Me a Big Boy!'

He is just that.  My Sweetie Boy.

It's hard to believe that three years ago, we were experiencing this.  Andrew's birth day.  His story.  How our Sweetie Boy came into this world.

And, although it was a crazy, roller coaster of a ride, I am so thankful for those days and for every day that has followed with our sweet, Andrew-Man.

He's gone from this...

To this...

To this...

To this...

 In the blink of an eye.

Andrew's entrance into this world was kind of a predecessor to how life with my Sweetie Boy would be...a roller coaster.  But one thing is for certain, this guy, he completes my world.

(For those of you close to us, you know that we've been working with Andrew for about six months now to try and get him to say 'yes'.  Well, he did it!  We still remind him not to say 'aye', but for the most part he is saying 'yes!'.)

Melts. My. Heart.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Andrew's third birthday.  His is spunky, smart, adventurous, silly, imaginative, has a short fuse, loves his chocolate milk and his Momma (in that order), thinks he's a super hero (most of the time), is a fantastic sword fighter, is a natural athlete, is very shy, has a smile and a laugh that is contagious, and the sweetest personality that you'll ever meet.

Happy 3rd birthday, Andrew!  I love you to pieces!

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