Friday, April 11, 2014

10 Times, Some Butterflies, and Soccer

The other day, this guy got clipped up to Grand Champion for the TENTH  TWELFTH time.  Yep, that's right folks...TEN TWELVE (since starting this post four days ago, he's managed to go up two more times!) times this guy has proven to his teacher that he is one awesome guy!

When more than half of his class has never been clipped up that high, Parker is showing us just how amazing he is at Kindergarten and soon to be First Grade.

So, we celebrated with a visit to our newest favorite hang out - Peach Wave - and ate some frozen yogurt with our toppings.

And, don't even get me started on this little dude.

As we turn the page in to spring, the flowers aren't the only things blossoming at our house.  Andrew is shining.  His favorite song?  "Everything is Awesome!"  His favorite toys?  Ninja Turtles.  His favorite move?  Spider-Man 3...the one with Venom...and Sand-Man.  Oh, how he loves Sand-Man.

And, his newest favorite thing to talk about?  What his momma loves.  Which in Andrew's mind is butterflies and flowers. He even made me a butterfly dot painting at speech this morning.

I love Andrew's thoughts.  I love Parker's determination.

But, what I love most of all is that they are my kiddos and I get to experience this journey of life with them.

We are currently in 'busy spring sports' mode and both of my boys are loving soccer.  Parker is becoming a more aggressive player and Andrew is learning some valuable lessons in listening and doing what he is being instructed to do. 

Both of these boys love soccer.

But, just around the corner is Andrew's first year of t-ball and Parker's favorite sport, baseball.

And, there's only 5 weeks left of school.  What?!  I can't believe it!

Happy Friday!  Now, go outside and enjoy this beautiful day!

BTW- Think fast thoughts for me tomorrow as I run in the Rock the Parkway Half Marathon...the first of three half marathons I'll be doing in the next 5 weeks.  I won't have any cheerleaders tomorrow (they have soccer games), so I'll need some extra help from you all!

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