Monday, June 9, 2014

A Sigh of Relief

I've been wanting it to be 10:00 am on this day for a week now.

To hear the words I knew were true, but needed {another} professional to tell us.

That Andrew's heart murmur was completely 'normal' and nothing to worry about.  With photos and scans to prove it.

Yep.  At 10:00 this morning, I had a major sigh of relief.

And, now my mind is at ease and I can think of other things.  Like camping.  And swimming.  And Father's Day.  And gardens and flowers.  And home improvements.  And running.  And get togethers.   And summer reading.  And my mind feels like it's finally not consumed by fear of the unknown.

For the past few weeks I've been living in a fog.  I've been going through the motions, but no matter what I was doing, my mind was always traveling back to sweet Andrew's heart.  I was worried when he would run, when he would go to sleep, when I was sitting at work and he was with Brandon or one of the girls.  I was worried pretty much every minute of the day that something was wrong with his heart and I wasn't doing anything about it.  So, although our family doctor told us it was a weak murmur and nothing to worry about, I couldn't get it out of my head and needed to know more.

So, we visited Kansas City Pediatric Cardiology.  I'm so glad we did!

This place was amazing.  They had crafts, puzzles, and videos for the kids.  Not to mention, during the echo cardiogram, they gave Andrew his very own hand-held game system to play with...and turned on a little PBS Kids.  They even let Parker decorate a tile for their wall.

But, the best part of our trip up to Kansas City?!  The Cardiologist confirmed that Andrew's murmur was weak...and absolutely nothing to worry about.  Prayers answered.

Being a parent is amazing.  But, it's also the scariest thing I've ever done.  And I'm afraid it's only going to get harder, the older my kiddos get.  But, for now, I'm soaking in all in and taking it one day at a time.  Really.  One.  Day.  At.  A.  Time.

I'm so excited about what the next few weeks are going to bring.  Hopefully I'll keep this little blog up and running throughout the summer.  But, for now, just know that we are all happy, healthy, and wonderfully blessed in so many ways!

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