Monday, June 16, 2014

The Green Light to Summer

It's summer!  As Andrew would say, 'Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah,' while doing a little booty shake.

I can't believe school's out {and it has been for a month now}!

I can't believe we're midway through the month of June.

And, I can't believe how fast these days seem to be flying by.  It's incredible.  I never knew life could be so full!

Between baseball games {t-ball, but don't try telling either one of my boys that's what they're playing}, a few trips to the pool, bike rides {our first, ever, bike ride through town to city park and then to our favorite fro yo hang out}, picnics, mud pies in the sand box, getting the house painted, piano lessons, camping trips, and cool evening walks with Bella, we are definitely not taking this whole summer thing lightly.

As soon as summer gave us the green light, we've been sprinting to the finish line and not slowing down for much of anything...except maybe for a thunderstorm here and there or a little summer reading.

And, what is our green light to summer?  Our annual trip to Uncle Riff and Aunt Carol's farm over Memorial Day Weekend.

As usual, the Riffel family delivered a fun weekend and kick-off to summer.

The cousins loved it.

And, after a day or two of rain, the clouds cleared out, the boots started stompin', kites were flying, four wheelers romping through the acres of rolling land, stomp rockets dove into the air, wonderful meals were shared, and another year of memories of our family camping Memorial Day Weekend was in the books.

As the cousins get older, every year we wonder who will be able to make it the next year.  And, I'll admit, our time is now limited to only a couple of days, I don't think this is a tradition that is going to end anytime soon.

After all, it is our green light to summer.  It's how we get this season started.

Happy Summer!

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