Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Lake and Other News!

I am so excited with anticipation right now, I can hardly stand it!  In just a couple of hours, the boys and I are heading up to visit my new neice!!  A week early, she surprised us all with her entrance into the world and we are so happy that she's {finally} here! 

Pictures will be coming soon....

But, until then, I wanted to share one of our favorite spots with you.

The lake.

We've been going to "Ben and Junelle's" lake for many many years.

As college kids, we loved to go and relax...kick back a few cold ones...and soak up the sun.

As a married couple, we loved to visit and chat with our friends and their sweet family, play games, BBQ some yummy food, and kick back and relax in the sun.

And, for the past 6 years, we've loved going to this little neck of the woods with our kids. 

We love being with our wonderful friends {who are more like family to us} and giving our kids the 'lake' experience with them.

What's even better?!  The kids love it also!  Every summer they look forward to our weekend{s} at the lake and every year they beg to stay longer the next time.

This year was exceptionally fun because Parker can now swim without his life jacket.  He is such a strong swimmer and I love it that he is confindent in his ability and loves the water!

And...Andrew can jump off of the ladder {and the dock, but he especially loved the ladder jumps}!  Andrew can swim and swim and swim {with his life jacket, of course} and he loved having the freedom to jump in and swim on his own!

Who else loves the lake?!

This girl.

Oh, and we loved the hot dog this year.  Ha!

Ummmm....are these boys of mine really riding on a hot dog?!

As summer is quickly winding down. {Can you believe we enroll Parker on Friday?!}  We are soaking up every last bit of summer that we possibly can. 

Kinley's last day {for the summer} is today and we are celebrating that with her by taking her to lunch and giving her the afternoon off! {If you ever need a babysitter...she is simply the sweetest girl I know and the boys love her!}

No photo of the boys and Kinley.  {Insert sad face.}

And...then we are heading up to KC to see my sweet baby niece!  {Since starting this post, we've gone to see her and she is the sweetest thing!  Her name is Olivia and we all love her to pieces!}

Andrew has his tongue tie procedure tomorrow morning {I talked about that back here and updated you all here.} It will be an emotional day for this momma, but I've been so amazed with how Andrew is handling this.  When asked about it, he will explain what's going on and tell you that it is going to 'help him with his words'.  Even when his ornery older brother tries to tell him that they are going to cut out his tongue {Ugh!  Thanks, Parker!}, Andrew corrects him and says that the doctor is simply going to help him move his tongue better.  He's been a trooper and I can't wait to see how this impacts his speech!

We have more ball games this week, a pool party, a movie to go see {the boys can't wait to see Guardians of the Galaxy}, school enrollment, and another camping trip planned for next weekend. 

And, in two weeks {what?!} school will be starting and we'll be getting back into our school routine.  Crazy, I know!

Happy Wednesday to you all!

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