Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Last night at dinner Parker looked at Brandon and said: "Dad, you put the OOPS in POOPS!" Parker thought this was hilarious and so did I! This is something that my sister, Dani, is always doing....for example, she tells my dad: "You put the OLD in MOLD!" What's funny about Parker saying this is that Aunt Dani probably said this to Parker many times this summer as Parker was being potty trained! Parker loves his Aunt Dani and this proves that he is starting to remember everything that we tell him!

Parker got to spend the day with Aunt Dani last Thursday and apparently she tried to figure out the name of Baby Brother while she was alone with Parker! On Thursday night Parker told me that, "Aunt Dani asked me what Baby Brother's name was...Mom, I told her it was Baby Tarl (Carl)...I didn't tell her!" Ha ha! Sneaky! Parker sure is a smart kid!

1 comment:

Aunt April said...

I tried to get him to tell me as well and he just laughed. He's pretty good at keeping a secret!