Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Under Lights

Parker had his last soccer game last week.  It was a rain make-up was freezing cold, misting, windy, and we only had four players show up to play {making us short a player on the field}.  But, my big guy.  Did he care?  Nope, he was so excited.  Why?

Because it was his first game under lights!

While the other team scored goal after goal after goal, the Orange Racers kept going...chasing that ball, diving to keep it from going in, kicking as hard as they could.  They were having fun!

Parker even scored a may have been their only goal of the night.

They got medals and cookies and life just doesn't get much better than that for a 5 year old.

I'm so glad that Parker loves soccer.  I love watching him run and laugh and be competitive and love something that is so good for him.

And, I think Andrew may just follow in his Big Bro's footsteps.  Man, can he kick that ball!  And, he's got some crazy soccer hair!

Something else I loved?  The weather.  Yep, it was super cold and rainy and pretty icky outside, but it felt like fall.  Have I mentioned that I love fall?  Have I mentioned how much I love this guy {and his little bubs}?

I've been telling people that I had a brief glimpse into my future at this game.  Sitting in my folding chair, with the nippy air biting at my cheeks, Andrew running around playing, Parker scoring goals, Brandon coaching.  Yep, I'm pretty sure I was cut out to be a soccer mom.  And, this night game's what big boys do.

Happy Wednesday! 

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