Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Catch-Up

Like most Moms {and Dads} out there, the day after Christmas I felt like I'd been hit by a freight train.  The adrenaline of Christmas morning had worn off, the house was a wreck from opening gift after gift after gift and the kitchen...oh man, the kitchen was a disaster.  Not to mention, we had no food left in the house, millions of boxes in our recycling bin that was over flowing, new toys to find places for, new clothes to be washed and put away, etc.

But, you know what made all of the crazy 'day-after-Christmas' mess go away....the memory of our three day Christmas celebration.  Yep, that's right, in our family we don't just celebrate one's three full days of Christmas.

Every year it seems like I say this: "This was the best Christmas. Ever."  And, it's true.  The best part of being a Mom is Christmas morning, seeing the boys eyes light up with excitement, running down the stairs, and making magical memories to last an entire year {until next Christmas, that is}.  I loved seeing Parker light up when a gift that he picked out made someone smile.  Or when Andrew finally got the concept that if you rip the paper open, something fun will be inside.  When Parker exclaimed, 'Mom!  How did they know I wanted that!'  When Andrew {finally} started to warm up to all of our family members and act silly and crazy with the other kids.  When Parker complimented the food and Andrew hugged his gifts and kissed his Momma when he got excited.  All of these moments will forever be remembered as the Christmas of 2012, along with much, much more. 

And, because I'm still recovering from getting my house back in order, getting ready for new carpet, and relaxing a little after our holiday, I am going to keep this short and let the photos do the talking.

Here's a little Christmas Catch-Up for you:

Christmas in DeSoto...

Christmas at the farm...

Christmas Eve at home {I love this time with my sweet little family}...

Christmas morning {don't even think about commenting on my hair}...

Christmas in Topeka {by this time, I was starting to slow down on my camera duty}...

 I love our Christmas traditions, both old and new.  I love it that every year we find one more way to make Christmas special, whether it's putting food out for the reindeer or the kid's newfound excitement in watching others open gifts.  This Christmas was one of pure joy and happiness for us and we are so blessed to have such sweet family and friends to share it with.

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