Monday, December 17, 2012

My Heart Goes Out...

I had something completely different all scheduled to blog about last Friday, when the tragic events in Connecticut happened, and I was caught in a raw state of emotion, shock, and sadness. 

My heart goes out to everyone in our country right now, because I know the events that took place on Friday are touching all of us in different ways.  But, more than anything, my heart goes out to all of the parents and others who lost a loved one on Friday. 

Words can't express the sadness I have for you.

There are many topics of debate that come up when something like this occurs, but there's one thing I know we can't argue, throw into politics, or debate about in this situation: We are a country that is mourning.  I feel like I need to pull it together and support the victims of the shootings in Connecticut.  Plain and simple. 

I have many opinions on gun control, mental illness, and our school systems, but now isn't the time to throw those out into blog world.

Now is a time to be a prayer warrior, a shoulder to cry on, a shoulder to lean on, and a person with sympathy for everyone affected by this awful event.

My heart goes out to Newtown, Connecticut.  May your faith comfort you.

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