Thursday, May 2, 2013

First {soggy} Camping Trip

This past weekend we went on our first camping trip this year.

It rained for the first 48 hours of our little trip.

But, we stuck it out, and by day three, we ended the weekend with the most beautiful day of 2013.

We all agreed it was worth the soggy days before.

I mean really, what good is a camping trip without a little mud?!

We love being outside.  My boys love dirt, rocks, wildlife, bugs, playgrounds, water, campfires, new friends, bunk beds, hiking, and everything else that makes up our family camping trips.

This trip {although it was soggy} was wonderful.  We made new friends and played with old friends.  We played countless hours on the playground {yep, even in the rain}, we hiked the trail right outside our campsite, we ate {tons} of camping food, we had campfires, slept {quite comfortably} in our own beds in the camper, we rarely had any glimpse of technology, and we enjoyed some quality {outdoor} time together.

My favorite part of the trip was seeing this owl.  He was hangin' out on the trail.

{We later found out that he was 'fledging' - a time in a young owl's life when it learns how to fly, find food, etc.  His parents were close by, keeping an eye on him.  He was the most friendly little guy!}

Andrew's favorite part of the trip was throwing rocks in the water.

{While the older kids were fishing.}

Brandon's favorite part was roasting marshmallows and sitting around the campfire.

{This part always makes me a nervous and fire...eeeeks!}

And, when I asked Parker was his favorite part of the trip was, his answer was simply: 'Well, Mom, I liked all of it!'

I mean, look at this place. Beautiful.

Yep, this spring/summer holds a lot of camping in it for the Riffel family.  Coming up we'll head to Uncle Riff and Aunt Carol's house for a few days.  In June we've got plans to go to the lake to visit some friends and a trip to Jellystone {in Lawrence}.  And, in July we'll be heading to South Dakota for a week.

Spring and Summer time around this house means a lot of things goin' on.  We've made some pretty big decisions around here and one of them is that our constant need for use of technology is going to disappear.  Sooooo, that means I won't be checking in on this little blog as often.  Brandon and I made a deal and we're stickin' to it! I'll peek in every now and then to say 'hi', but right now...we've got some t-ball to play, preschool graduation to attend, vacations to plan, house stuff that is callin' our names {about ten times a day}, and some much needed family time is coming our way.

On this snowy day, I just have one thought to leave you with: Happy spring my friends!  {I'm just sure it's out there somewhere!}

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