Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Days

Ugh!  I've had about enough of this coooooold weather!

You see...this time of year is one of our favorites.

(Parker was so ready for soccer to finally start this year.  It kept getting pushed back because of all of the snow and cold weather!)

SPRING time.

And, even though these cold days feel more like winter than spring, we've managed to squeeze in a few good, spring-like, days here and there.

(Shhhh...Don't tell Andrew he's not really on Parker's team.  Every week he warms up with the team and stands on the sidelines waiting to play.  We are all excited for next year, when he'll have his own team!)

Days where we've had (some cold) soccer games...

Days where we've been able to 'shoot some hoops' on our new basketball goal.

(This was actually the day we put it up!  Since then we've had quite a few games of PIG and the boys love, love, love their new goal!  In fact, every morning, when we leave the house, Andrew talks about that 'doal' in the driveway!)

Days where we've worked on the yard, rode bikes and scooters to the cul-de-sac, walked the dog, made new neighbor friends, and yes, we've even had a few ice pops.

I can feel it.  Warmer weather is just around the corner (although I think I said this three weeks ago).  And, with more soccer, t-ball, and our first camping trip planned in the coming weeks, I am hoping and praying that dear, old Mother Nature decides it's time to quit playing tricks on us and warm things up a bit.

(I love this playing basketball, someone handing out a few brewskies, toys strewn through the driveway...this is what Spring should look like.)

Not that we are ready for 100 degree weather just yet...but, some nice 70 degree, open the windows, plant some flowers kind of days would be perfect.

Our flip flops are begging to be dusted off and worn...and our new shorts and t-shirts are almost jumping our of our drawers!  I think it's safe to say we are all hoping for some warm spring days in the forecast.

Happy Friday and here's to some (warmer) spring days that are coming up soon!

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