Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Off the Grid

Whew!  Summer is flying by.  We've been up to our favorite summer shenanigans and loving our time together at the pool, camping, and simply playing in the back yard.  We've especially loved these unseasonably cool days that have allowed us more time to ride bikes (Andrew loves his new bike from cousin Cameron), play ball, and hang out with the neighborhood kids.  Yep, we're soaking up this summer and are gearing up for these last few weeks to go out with a bang.  We've got summer camp at the farm, lake time, more VBS, and a couple more camping trips to squeeze in before schools throws us back in to routine and structure.  And, while all of this awesomeness has been happening, something has been haunting me and dominating every second of free time I seem to come up with.

It's crazy, I know.  Everyone does it.  And, I truly believe I'm not the only one who feels this way sometimes.

Facebook.  Well, social media in general.

I'm starting to feel bogged down by it.  Consumed by it.  And, it makes me sad.  Why am I so enamoured with Facebook...and not my husband. Ha!  This is a precious time in my life and I am spending it caring about what my 500 friends are doing and not paying attention to the lives in front of me...mine included.

So, I've decided that I'm goin' off the grid.  In fact, most people probably won't read this blog post because I am not posting it on Facebook.

What was my breaking point?

I'm going to be honest here, because I think my friends that are reading this will have my back and totally support me.  Lately, almost every time I get on Facebook I read something that causes me to question my securities.  Whether it is a political post about something that I feel strongly about or a friend not 'liking' any of my photos, feeling 'left out' from another friend's post, or feeling like I'm the one excluding a friend, almost everytime I log on to Facebook, I leave it feeling insecure in some way.  It isn't fun for me anymore.  

Don't get me wrong here.  I absolutely love some things about this crazy social media phenomenon.  I love to keep up with my family.  I love it that I can find the news and choose what I want to see from those sources.  I love how Facebook has changed the world of marketing.  But, I just can't shake has become my time waster.

I need a change.

Here's what I'll do without social media...

I'll be present.

I'll write.

I'll stop worrying about everyone else's lives and think about my own.

I'll stop comparing.

I'll think more about the important things.

I'll work on projects that I care about.

I'll spend time with my husband, instead of my phone or laptop.

This is a good thing.

However, I'm  not going to delete my Facebook account (not yet, anyway).  As I explained to a good friend today, I get a ton of information on Facebook about my kid's activities and I just can't let that slip away.  But, what I am doing is logging off.  For weeks at a time.  I deleted the Facebook app from my phone.  And, you know what?!  I feel better already.  It's actually an incredible feeling.

My shoulders feel lighter.

I'm doing this, folks.  This is happening.  Right now.

I would love to know how you've 'gone off of the grid'.  I'd love to hear your inspiring stories of breaking the tie you have with social media.  How has this impacted your life?  Your family?  Your time? 

Now....I'm off to enjoy a dinner date with the hubs and four nights of being kidless.  Crazy, I know!

Happy Wednesday!

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