Monday, July 21, 2014

Off the Grid...Day #5

I've now been off of Facebook for more than 5 days.

It's funny how something so mundane was consuming so much of my time.  I had some pretty set in habits with being on Facebook....on my phone while eating breakfast....when I turned on my computer at work...when I wanted to look up someone's whereabouts...when I had an awesome selfie on my phone of me and my kids...checking in at the  movie theater on a date with the hubs...showing off my kids having the time or their lives at Summer Camp at the Farm...haivng dinner with seems like every aspect of my life was being thrown out there for my Facebook friends to see.

I haven't done any of that.  I feel like I've conquered something and I imagine this must be what it feels like to loose a lot of weight or quit smoking.  And, while a little part of me feels like I may be 'out of the loop' with some of my friends, I've re-discovered the art of texting or calling my friends to see what's going on with their lives.

Something else that's much I don't miss Facebook.

As I was doing some research this morning {another re-discovered hobby of mine}, I found this article from the Huffington Post about why more and more people are ditching Facebook.  A lot of this relates to me.  So, I had to share it.

I've been hearing from more and more friends lately that they too wish that social media was not so accessible.  It's a love-hate relationship that is at our fingertips every second of the day. 

It's been encouraging to know that I'm not the only one going through this, but what's even more encouraging is that I don't feel like I'm missing out by not logging on to Facebook.  I don't feel like I need to check it 10 times a day or even once a day!  It's refreshing to know that I can go back to the good ole days and go without technology for the evening...or do something worthwhile, rather than sit there on the computer, wasting another 20 minutes.

Here's how I've filled my time...laundry, making cookies, running with the dog, doing sit-ups, snuggling my kiddos, snuggling the hubs, planning an anniversary trip, planning a camping trip, playing baseball, and the list goes on and on and on.  I feel amazing about this.

Now...I've gotta go!  Running to the grocery store to get lake food for the weekend!

Happy Monday!

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