Sunday, July 20, 2014

Playin' Ball

{I'm just now getting around to posting this....from the first week of July.  Please tell me summer will slow down soon?! Ha!}

Whew!  What a week {and a half}.

For the past 10 days I've had a little dose of what single parenthood is's hard.  Tiring.  Stressful.  And, if you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day as a pair {like I often do}, then try doing it alone.  It isn't for me, I tell ya.

In the past 10 days, we've had 6 baseball games, 5 days of VBS, piano lessons, swimming lessons, bike rides, movie nights, swimming parties, play dates, and lots and lots of summer fun.  While we've missed dad, we managed to squeeze every ounce of summer out of these days that we could...and we are lovin' it.

**Let me just say that I packed our days so full of activity and fun that we wouldn't have time to think much about missing Brandon....and for the first 7 days it worked.  Days 8, 9, and 10...we were missing him like crazy!

And, while we've got all of this goin' on, let me tell you about our favorite summer time activity.

Playin' ball.

These boys love baseball.

And, for this guy this year...something clicked.

It's like he knows just what to do.

He's makin' plays, hitting home runs, and making some major baseball memories this summer.

He's so in to baseball this year that he will get his uniform on, pack his bat bag, and make sure his water jug is filled before every game.  He'll lug that bag of his to the dugout, find his favorite spot to hang it, and get everything situated just right...all without anyone asking him to do so.

He loves it so much that he's signed up to play another season of rec baseball in July.  And, he can't wait to get started again!

And, this guy....

Well, let's just say he likes hitting the ball and running the bases the best.

Oh, and playing in the dirt.

And his buddies. {Every player on his team was a friend and we were so excited to play with these great friends!)

And his uniform.  When he puts on that sweet little uniform...he stands a little taller and is so proud of himself.

I mean, look at him.  Isn't he the cutest baseball player you've ever seen?!

Andrew had a great first season of ball.  His teammates were all friends and they {and their parents} had fun this summer!

This being a mom of boys who play baseball gig is new to me.  The boys have always just kind of been the non competitive kids who just want to do something that's fun.  But, not anymore.  They're into it and I'm excited to see where this ambition and drive takes them in years to come!

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