Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Time!

It's gettin hot in here! This week it seemed like summer hit us full force in Kansas!! We love this time of year because it means grilling out, swimming, going to the lake, going to Colorado, and days full of family and friends. We've had a busy month- May was packed full of graduations- congrats to Jon and Lauryn for entering the college world!! We also had time to do our annual camping trip over Memorial Day weekend and visit the cemetary in Council Grove with Grandma Elaine...this time we documented some of my family's history and realized that we were there with 4 generations of my family (Parker, myself, my mom, and my grandma) and there are 5 more generations buried at that cemetary. I think that is a tradition we will try to carry out every Memorial Day! As Parker said, "Mom, there are no toys here, but there are a lot of rocks!"

This past week Parker had some ups and downs- on Tuesday at daycare he was stung by a wasp on his head, right behind his ear. Luckily he is not allergic to them and by the time I picked him up later that day, I couldn't find the spot...although I'm sure it still hurt...he was a very brave little guy. That day I decided to get his swimming pool for this summer- as a treat (even though I was planning on getting it anyway). As you can see from the photo below...he loves it and we ended up having a pool party with the neighbor boys last night!!

This is sure to be a GREAT summer for the Riffel family. With 10 little boys (ranging from newborn to 8 years) living on our block, Parker is going to have fun playing outside in the evenings, while we get to hang out with some good friends! Parker also gets to go have his Aunt Dani come play with him for 8 weeks this summer!! He talks about it everyday and he says, "Mom, Aunt Dani will be here in just a few minutes." When I tell him that it's still a couple of weeks away, he tells me I'm wrong. He is excited! That same week, Parker will start swimming lessons and because of his love of the water, I know he'll excel at it!

Next weekend we get to go to the lake with our Woolery and Beadle friends- It is always a good time...and we're hoping to make it down a few weekends this year to relax and see good friends!!

Parker will also be attending Camp at Grandma's this year in late-June with ALL of his cousins! He loves anything outside and Cooper, Cameron, Morgan, Avery, and Parker are going to have so much fun at the farm.

In July we get to watch Morgan and Avery for three nights and Parker is already talking about that too!! He loves those girls and can't wait to have them come over and have a sleepover at his house. :) The weekend after that we'll head out to Colorado to visit Poppy and do a little camping (in a cabin) in Estes Park! We'll see how a pregnant lady handles this camping with a two year old who is in the middle of potty training! LOL!

We have a busy summer ahead, but it will be fun! Parker has been labled the "talking toddler" at daycare because of his ability to talk and talk and talk...he is an excellent story teller and I love to listen to his tales of his day as we're driving home at the end of the day. As you all know, he gets that from his dad!!! :)

Brandon and I will update this as we get through the summer and I hope we see everyone at some point this summer!!

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