Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Time!!!

It is officially summer at the Riffel house! Parker is on summer vacation with Aunt Dani coming over everyday and his buddy Anthony...swimming lessons started this week....and tonight summer camp at Grandma Robbie's Farm starts! It is also probably the hottest week of the year!! Parker is having so much fun with his Aunt Dani- everyday when she gets there, he does a little happy dance and runs to the door! We are so thankful for Aunt Dani and the time she is putting in with Parker and his friend Anthony!! I got to stay home with all of them on Monday, just to make sure everything would go okay, and needless to say, I was exhausted after one day of watching two toddlers....making sure they both go to the their lunch...don't fight...clean up their messes....take a outside...swim in the in the sprinkler...go to swimming lessons! Summer days are full of fun and are good at wearing the little guys (and Mom and Aunt Dani) out!

The best part about this summer is that Parker is almost completely potty trained...a milestone that I thought would never get here!! He still needs some help with going "number two", but he is doing great and we are so proud of him!

Pregnancy Update: Last Thursday marked the last day of my first trimester and it was like magic- I am no longer feeling as icky as I have been!! That will make for a much more enjoyable summer! In about 5 weeks, we'll be able to find out if we'll be buying blue or pink...we are very excited...mostly because then Parker will know if it's a baby sister or a baby brother!

Brandon and I are so blessed to have jobs that allow us some flexibility- more so in the summer months- with swimming lessons, camping, playing outside, and much needed vacation- we have a summer full of good friends, family, fun, and relaxation! Parker is becomming such a big boy and is growing everyday- we love being able to spend so much time with him...the best part of my day is when I come home and he says, "Mom, I'm so glad you're here!" :)

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