Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nose Job!

My poor husband has been battling asthma, sinus infections, congestion, colds, mouth-breathing, snoring, etc. for his entire life. FINALLY this fall he decided enough was enough and he made an appointment to see the ear, nose, and throat doctor. After trying some nose spray for a few weeks, the doctor recommended that Brandon have a nose job! The doctor told Brandon what we knew all along...he has a deviated nasal septum causing him blockage in his nasal passage way which makes it constantly congested, causing sinus infections, and it is always hard for him to breathe. So, tomorrow morning, Brandon will undergo surgery to correct this where they will straighten it out and shave off some of the nose bone to allow for more room in the nasal passage way. So, tomorrow morning, keep Brandon in your thoughts, and let's all hope this surgery will finally give him some relief! It's a good thing Parker got my nose! LOL!

Bye, Bye old nose!

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