Monday, November 1, 2010

The Terrible Threes??!!

My Parker is the sweetest, most loving little boy anyone will ever why is it that as soon as he turned three, it seems like he has changed into not only a big boy, but also a VERY independent little guy!! Don't get me wrong, my sweet, little guy is still here, but every now and then he shows signs of the "terrible threes." I've heard people talk about the "terrible twos" and I've heard rumors that three is the new two, but I never thought Parker would have the same "issues" as other little kids. Parker has learned to do everything perfectly....walk, talk, go potty, etc., but now that he's hit the age of three, he absolutely WILL NOT get dressed! Every morning we wake up, eat breakfast, watch cartoons, and brush our teeth with no complaints from my little man....but, as soon as I pull out his clothes, the crying begins....he runs, he hides, and he gets very upset about wearing anything other than his favorite PJ's and his favorite shorts and t-shirt. We're trying EVERYTHING we can and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and we have to force our tear streaked little man to wear sweats and a sweatshirt (the most comfortable outfit in the world!). I've had all sorts of suggestions from other moms and I'm trying everything!!!! I know this is just a phase, but every morning we're going through this....we even had to persuade him to wear his Halloween costume! This is one of those everyday moment in our life that I wanted to share. Maybe it's to get some much-needed advice, but also so I can document it and know that it isn't going to last forever and that in a month (or so), I'll look back at this post and laugh at it!

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