Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quiet House......

The laundry is all done (and put away), house is clean, cleaned up the front yard, wrapped as many Christmas presents as I can (without going to buy gift bags), dishes are done.....and it's completely quiet in my home (except for the random snore coming from Brandon as he naps beside me). We are going on 2.5 days of not having Parker or Bella in our home and I may drive myself insane getting things done around the house. As you know, I'm a little compulsive about cleanliness and organization in my home and now that it's all done....well, everything that a 36 week pregnant woman can do...I am noticing how empty our home is without Parker and Bella to liven things up! I am missing the random banter of my son who talks so much and tells so many fun stories....I am missing my sweet Bella who would normally be snuggled up beside my legs on this cool fall day. Parker and Bella both bring so much love into our home!! I am also missing my normally animated, talkative, sweet husband, who instead looks empty and sad because of his surgery. As Brandon has been telling me every day of my pregnancy (on the good and the bad days), you just need to take it one day at a time. I said that to Brandon on Friday night, yesterday, and today, and he looked at me with his miserable eyes that are begging for his pain and discomfort to go away. I am thankful that I can be with him on this quiet Sunday and help to make him feel better and heal and I am thankful that Parker and Bella are with Grandma and Pa Pa and having fun without us (I know they are because earlier, Parker spent an hour on Skype telling me all about it!). So, I'll sit here with Brandon and be thankful for a quiet house....but, I want everyone to know that I miss my crazy house...where Parker's toys are all over and he's telling me a story about it....where Bella has requested to come in and out of the house 5 times because she knows I'll give her a treat....and my house where Brandon is chasing Parker for tickles and they are both laughing hysterically, as I tell them to slow down and stop being so rowdy. Today my house is quiet and today I miss my home that is full of love and laughter.

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