Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Breakfast Time!!

Let's face it....mornings at my house are kinda hectic. I get up at 6:00 am (sometimes earlier), get all ready for work, the boys wake up, Brandon gets in the shower, I get Parker breakfast, get Andrew breakfast...Get the boys dressed, Parker's teeth brushed, breakfast dishes in the dishwasher (one thing I'm compulsive about), and we rush out the door to make it to Sherry's and work on time.

Well...for the past couple of weeks, Aunt Dani has been coming to our house to watch the boys, which has helped us on time in the morning. Of course, any change in the routine is hard at first, but we are definitely enjoying Aunt Dani coming to our house everyday....more about Aunt Dani later.

So, we've had more time in the mornings to play, watch cartoons, sit down together and eat breakfast (isn't it amazing what an extra 5 minutes can do for you?!), and this morning I had an idea....what if I taught Parker how to feed Andrew?!

Wow, was Parker excited about this! He hopped up on my lap and fed his brother...

At first, Andrew looked at us like we were crazy, but after a few (messy) spoonfuls, he was his normal piggy wiggy and he chowed down on some Banana Orange Oatmeal!

(Yes, Parker says he thinks the baby food smells like chiken nuggets....he loves those chicken nuggets!)

Andrew is so laid back, he'll let Parker do anything...and, I think Parker's doing a pretty darn good job at this big brother thing!

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