Friday, July 15, 2011

Flashback Friday (Video Edition)

Yesterday I was uploading a couple of new videos to our You Tube page and I couldn't help but look at some of our older are two that I had never seen before.

This first one was recorded almost exactly two years ago- Parker was about a month away from being two years old. For those of you who know Parker today, listen to how different his voice is, his words, the way he says, "da da," instead of, "Dad." Look at how much he's grown in two years and how much he has learned! This video makes me smile.

The second video makes me cry. It is of the first real time I got to hold Andrew. While he was still in Ottawa, I got to hold him for about 3 minutes while they changed his bedding, but when he was 4 days old, I got to hold him....all day....I didn't give him up to let anyone else hold him. It was quiet and sweet and we just sat there and snuggled. Don't let the IV or the tubes scare you....he was so strong and so brave, and this is one of my favorite moments!!

I'm so grateful for these videos and Brandon's knowledge of how to capture all of these moments and share them with others!! We especially love our iPhones which allow us to record and upload them straight to You Tube. Great memories to last us a lifetime!!

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