Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Is the greatest form of flattery....especially when it's your 7 month old son doing it! Just in the past few days Andrew has started to imitate all of us- every time Parker is silly, Andrew makes silly noises and starts to act goofy, any time we sing any type of "la, la, la, la" (similar to Elmo), Andrew starts to sing, "la, la, la...", he copies our kisses, our hugs, our talking, and he's even trying to imitate our movement! And, I don't just mean he's trying to wave at me when I wave at him (which is VERY exciting), but he wants to MOVE....he wants to follow Parker around the house...he wants to JUMP out of my arms and chase after Bella, he wants to get off of my lap and get his toys...the only problem: he can't actually do it yet. The poor little guy wants to do it so bad, but he's just not quite there yet.

Something else that's new: Andrew is a rockin'! Not rockin' to music, but up on all fours, gettin' ready to crawl! Parker didn't crawl until he was almost 10 months old and this was just fine with me- no baby gates, no chasing....but, Andrew, I think he'll be crawling in the next month! This seems's just so crazy how fast time is flying by with this second boy of mine!!

Each new milestone is so much fun...but this imitation mile marker, I think it might be the funniest one yet! There is never a dull moment in this Riffel house!

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