Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2013 Goals: Running

I'm a runner.  I've always loved it.  I talked my husband into loving it.  And, one day, I hope my kids will do it for fun (and exercise). 

And, although I took a brief hiatus from actually 'running' at my normal level while I was pregnant and while my kids were babies...I'm back in the running saddle...and, man, have I missed it.

When my friend Joy mentioned that she wanted to be able to run a half marathon, and that she was making that one of her goals for this year, I was pretty darn excited.  There's nothing better than having a 'running buddy'.  Someone to push me to keep going.  Someone to keep me from skipping the long or hard (or cold) running days.  Someone to remind me of the goal we have - 13.1 miles.

So, I signed up...along with a few other friends...and laced up those running shoes for an intense few months of training.

This is our calendar for February. (Thank you Lisa!)  The run is on April 13, 2013 (Rock the Parkway).  We are less than 8 weeks away.  It seems crazy to actually want to run 13.1 miles, but so did that marathon I did in 2006.  It's something I'll never forget and something I'll be able to check off my list of accomplishments this year.

I'll tell ya what though, it's hard.  Not the running, but finding the time to run.  Brandon's been a trooper...letting me go in the evenings...early in the the middle of the day.  Wherever we can squeeze it in, we're hitting our goals and we're gonna do this thing.

When it's all over, we will have ran more than 148.1 miles.  Whew! 

I am so excited about this goal.  I feel so alive when I'm pushing my body and in complete control of how well (or badly) I do on a running day. 

So, with us luck and cheer us on...we've still got a long way to go, but with 8 weeks to go, I think we are starting to see the ribbon at the finish line!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

I'm not sure I'd say that I LOVE to run. :-) It does make you feel good when you are finished though!