Monday, February 18, 2013

The {Not So} Crazy Cousin Sleepover

Parker and Andrew eagerly awaited this sleepover for days and days and days.  The cousin sleepover.

When these boys get together....anything can happen.

Usually there's some silly shananigans going on.  And, rightfully so, these four boys are typically referred to as 'the crazy cousins'.

So, Brandon and I went into the Saturday night cousin sleepover with expectations of silliness, rough housing, loud, and crazy cousins.

We were surprised.

These four boys played.  They laughed.  They explored.  They wore lights on their heads and back packs on their backs, but they were exactly the opposite of crazy.  They were perfect and fun and they actually gave Brandon and I a pretty relaxing evening.

{Grandma And Grandpa even came by for dinner and to play for a while.}

It made my heart smile to see these cousins having so much fun together.  They are so close and I love that.  I love it that Parker and Cameron are only three months apart and they love playing together.  I love it that Cooper can lead the older boys (and talk them into) doing anything and that he has such a soft spot for Andrew.  I think their bond is awesome and I know through fun memories and many many more sleepovers to come, that they will always be best friend cousins.

These boys are growing up so fast and I'm so thankful that Parker and Andrew have such wonderful cousins in their lives.

We can't wait for the next {not so} crazy cousin sleepover!

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