Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Days!

I know you've all been inundated with pictures on your FB feed of people in the snow...sledding, building snowmen, having a snowball fight...I've even had some up there.

But, I've just gotta say: my boys....they love snow.


Parker woke up at 5 am on Thursday morning.  Looking for the snow.  There wasn't any at that hour, but {thankfully} he went back to sleep until 7 am and by then....yep, by then we had a good 3 inches.  He was beyond excited and at 7 am he was ready to dig out the snowsuit, gloves, hat, and scarf to go play in the crazy blizzard snow we got on Thursday morning.

It took Andrew a few minutes to figure out what we were showing him out the window.  Parker: 'Don't you see it Andrew - SNOW!  It snowed while we were sleeping.' Andrew: Silence...Staring out the window.  And then, like a light flicking on, Andrew saw it.  Squealing with delight, he ran to the door, ready to go out in his Cars PJ's.

And, Brandon.  Well, let's just say this snow brings out the kid in him.  Sledding, snowball fights, snow caves, snowmen, snow ice cream, name it, we've done it in the past four days.

We've played with our neighbor friends, some best buddies, cousins, and grandparents....anything to get out in the snow!


And, what's even more exciting?!  There's more on the way!

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