Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dear Parker

Dear Parker,

Tomorrow is Kindergarten Round-Up.  I'm not sure how this day came so quickly.  Tomorrow is a big day for you and, while I know you are completely ready for this day and for next year, your Momma isn't quite ready to let it happen.  You are so smart, courageous, friendly, outgoing, polite, silly, dedicated, and sweet - your awesome personality is what reminds me that you will be just fine.

But, I get nervous.

This is the official start of your elementary school days.  Days where you will be outside of your 'bubble', or outside of the Momma 'safe zone'.  In a place where you will be influenced by kids I don't know.  A place where you will have to make decisions on your own every day - everything from which library book you'll check out to what you'll eat for lunch (without your Mom or Sherry there to tell you what you should choose) to which friends you'll play with at recess and which answer to put on your school work.  I know you will make good decisions.  You've always been my logical boy.  Someone who thinks things through and finds the best answer and chooses the right choice (almost) every single time.  You will have so many new friends, but I am comforted by the friends that are going with you from preschool and Sherry's house - familiar faces and trusted buddies to go with you on your Kindergarten adventure.  I am also comforted by the fact that my office is less than two blocks from your classroom and I can be there to take you and pick you up from school every day.

I am excited because your preschool teacher told us that you are more than ready for Kindergarten and that you are ahead of the class in every area.  I know you are prepared.  You've been ready for this day for a long time.  And, even though I am super sentimental and begging for time to slow down just a little, so this day doesn't come so fast, I am also excited about what your school days will mean to you.

You are an amazing little man.  I hope that your confidence and your curiosity, as well as your eagerness to learn, never fades and that your love of school and learning and your friendships continue forever.

I know you will be faced with challenges - some that I've never experienced and some that I have - I hope that you will follow your heart and your wonderful instincts and know just how special and kind you are.  I hope that you will always ask for your Momma's advice and know that I am here whenever you need me.  I hope that when you are faced with challenges (like bullying) that you will always take the high road and help others learn what is right and stand up for what you believe in.  I pray that kids (and their parents) will be nice (although this is out of my control) as we have taught you to be kind to everyone you meet. 

I want you to respect your teachers and all adults at the school.  I know the teachers will recognize your talents and they will lift you up when you need it.  I am excited to help you with your school work and to aide the teachers in your education.

You are ready for this day.  You are ready to be tested - to show the teachers at Kindergarten Round-Up just how much you know.  You are going to blow them away with your knowledge and personality...and they will be so proud of you.  Just as I am today.

This is a big day.  And, while I know you'll be embarrassed because I'll probably be the only Mom there with her big ole camera, I know that one day we'll want this memory - of your first step inside your elementary school.  It will be a fun day for you...and if I cry, don't think I'm sad.  Because I am not sad - just nostalgic.  And proud.  And excited.  And nervous.  All at the same time.

You are my big guy.  I am so excited for you.  Good luck tomorrow - I'll be there cheering you on!



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