Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Growing Fins

Summer just isn't summer without trips to the swimming pool.

It's a right of passage.  Like playing baseball in the front yard and swinging at the park, swimming is something we love to do.

And I really think that this summer, my kids grew fins.

I am a firm believer in swimming lessons and teaching our kids to swim and have the right skills, just in case, they are ever stuck out in the middle of  the ocean.

Okay, maybe they won't be stuck out in the ocean, but maybe one day they will follow in Aunt Dani's foot steps and be on the swim team.  Swimmers are strong and I love how much endurance this sport takes.

Parker took lessons from the Ottawa swim team coach.  He is ahhhhh-mazing with these kids and in the four short weeks that Parker had lessons, he went from an arms-flailing, dog paddling, sinker to a kid who can now swim laps around his mom and dad, even lifting his head every three strokes to get some air.

We call it 'Olympic Style' swimming.

I love how Coach Jeff handles the kids in swimming lessons.  Giving them confidence, yet making sure they know their boundaries.  Pulling 5 or 6 kids out to the 'deep end' on his arms so that they can practice treading water.  Letting them jump in at the end of every class, letting the kids believe that this is a 'fun' time in class, but really he's using it to teach them to jump in and swim to him.  Knowing just how to encourage the kids and call them 'buddy' and yet he disciplines them when they aren't being the best listeners...something most coaches these days have simply let go of.

Again this year, Andrew took lessons from our local recreation organization, and although it took him a few days of class to warm up to his classmates and his teachers, he loved it.

As with most kids, Andrew seems to listen better to instructors when his Mom is not around.  So...after my failed attempts to get him to try new things at swimming lessons, Dad took over and he had the magic touch to help Andrew learn the swimming lessons songs, jump in the water, blow bubbles, and yep, he even taught Andrew to go under water.

And, while I'm a little sad that I didn't have the magic touch, it makes me smile to know that Brandon got to experience this with Andrew and now it's their 'thing'.

Andrew has no fear when it comes to the water, so when we're not at lessons, he is required to wear his life jacket.  But, this jacket, it gives him the freedom he wants to swim out to the 'deep end' with his brother.  Without help.

Yep, he's big stuff with that jacket on.

And, I have to admit, that he may be the cutest little swimmer boy I ever saw!

Lucky for the boys, Aunt Dani loves the pool.

I think they went everyday this summer...even when it was cold...and maybe even in the rain.

Aunt Dani taught the boys many things this summer, but my favorite thing of all...she taught them to jump off of the diving board.  Andrew, of course, wears his life jacket...but, I get chills just thinking of how high up that board must look to a two year old.  He is my brave little man!

And, Parker, oh how timid he was at first.  I can't tell you how many times he climbed up that diving board ladder, only to turn around and go back down.  He would watch it, longing to do the flips, dives, and other tricks that the older kids were doing.  Until one day...he was with Aunt Dani...and I get this text, with this video...

It almost made me cry.

Parker grew his fins that day.

As summer starts to wind down and we try to squeeze in everything we haven't checked off our summer bucket list, it's moments like these that make me reflect on past summers and think of just how fast every year seems to be flying by.   I remember riding my bike to the pool as a kid, having green hair from mom sewing the 'summer pass' badge onto my swim suit...and I am nostalgic for that same experience for my kids.  I am so glad they love swimming and that this summer, the summer of '13, they grew their fins.

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