Friday, August 30, 2013

We Survived...

...the first two weeks of school!  Can I get a Holla?!

Here we are, celebrating with a Sno Cone
Whew!  I don't know about you guys, but I am ready for a 3-day weekend.

Parker and his best buddy at 'Back to School Night'
You see...this school's pushing us.

Spikes on the second day of school
To get out of bed earlier.

Brandon and Parker walking to school
To pack school lunches...every morning.

To get out the door before 8 am...which has never been my strong point.

To worry.  To wonder.  To be confused and to be the 'new kid'.  To be the new parent who doesn't know which door to go in....which line to wait in....who to call or email when something isn't quite right.

But, luckily....we hit the jackpot when we were assigned to Parker's teacher.

He thinks she's the greatest.  He loves school.  And, really, that's all that matters to this Momma.

Happy Friday my friends!  Happy 3-Day Weekend!

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