Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year - 2014

Man alive, 2013 flew by.

I mean, really, it seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating 2013 and making resolutions and plans for the past year.

As I look back at my 'goals' for last year, I smile.  What a year we had. 

We tried our hardest to 'live in the moment'.  Something I am not very good at - it seems like I am always planning the next thing and not just enjoying what we're doing now.  But, I think we did it...and I am a better momma for it.

My friend, Joy, and I ran our half marathon (along with Lisa!).  We ran our hearts out.  It was such a wonderful experience and one that, not only gave me a reason to exercise and some awesome motivation, but it gave me a friendship that I cherish so much.  Did you know that running is a team sport - it helps to have someone on your team, pushing you and running right along with you.

Ummm...I started out great with the 'eating whole foods' goal, but not as well as I would have liked to.  I will be working on that again this year...

I was nicer to my husband...up until the holidays...when I seem to become a controlling maniac.  He is sweet though.  And he puts up with it, knowing that it will pass and I will be myself once again.  Gotta love him for that...and I do.

Photos....well...I slacked off a little on photos this year.  Do you know how hard it is to take photos with a six year old and a three year old?  They never sit still!  Oh, and don't get me started on how silly I think selfies are...so, although Brandon tried to take over the camera a few times to get me in some pictures, these things don't always go as planned.  But, I did capture some pretty good moments throughout 2013 and I am proud to say that I am done with Parker's photo book and well on my way to completing Andrew's.  I will share those soon!

 Visit Mount Rushmore - Check!  Did that one!  We loved it!  I was surprised at how much the boys loved it also.  You can read about our trip back here and here and here

We sent Parker off to Kindergarten in 2013.  Wow!  What an amazing kid he is.  He is an expert at Kindergarten and we love the kid he is becoming because of his classmates, friends at school, and his amazing teacher.

Andrew is officially potty trained.  And, while I would love to say that potty training is our biggest accomplishment with Andrew this year, you all know that it is not. We've been on a pretty fast and curvy roller coaster this year with our Andrew-Man, but I feel like we've come out on top of the hill.  He challenges me every day to be a more patient momma and I love him so much for that.  He is still learning, but I think in 2013 Andrew learned so many new things and I am proud of him and all of his accomplishments!

I didn't read.  Not one book.  Sad, but true.

We had many busy days in 2013.  So, I would say we lived life to the fullest.  But, did you know that sometimes, living life to the fullest, is not having busy days?  Sometimes living life to the fullest is about enjoying the small moments and I've started to believe that my number 1 and number 10 goals from 2013 were one in the same.  Wouldn't you agree?

A new year is upon us.  And with the new year, comes new goals, new challenges, and many opportunities.   I love having a fresh, blank calendar to fill in...I love the excitement and all of the things we have to look forward to. This year we have plans to go to Disney World (can't wait!), Andrew will start preschool (I can't believe this!), Parker will graduate from Kindergarten and head into next fall as a first grader (yikes!), we have some home improvements planned, some small trips planned for this summer, and of course, we will continue to work our tails off at home and at the University.  I just (like yesterday) signed up to run 3 (yep, three) half marathons within a five week period of time this spring.  I am looking forward to more running time with my friends.  Brandon may even do one with us!  We will continue to enjoy each and every moment with our kiddos - and we are excited about their new interests and activities. 

But, what does this New Year mean to me?

What is my biggest hope for 2014?

While we have many exciting and wonderful things happening in our family, I can't help but feel like there is so much more out there.  There's a bigger world than mine and that's something I want to focus on in 2014.

I want to teach my boys that they can do so much for others.  They can impact another life, our community, and the world, with their hearts and their minds.

And, while this is kind of a vague 'goal' for 2014.  This is something we need to do.  I think we get so wrapped up in having it all, 'needing' it all, and I can sense that this is what my kids are learning and it's not how we want them to grow up.    We've all been kind of brainwashed by society that this is how the world works.  But, in reality, most of our world is in need, and we are the minority as 'having it all'. 

I've got some ideas for educating my six year old and my three year old on this.  Having them volunteer...making holidays more about others and giving, rather than about us, and having them start their own project to make an impact.  Do you have ideas?  How have you given your children the motivation to do things like this? 

This will be a challenge, but we are ready for it.  Bring on 2014!

Happy New Year, my friends!

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