Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mom of Boys

I read this the other day and it's oh so true....

...especially numbers 1, 7, 10,15...seriously, we have fish named Batman, Robin, and Buzz...but while this is true, there are many, many other ways that I know I'm a mom of two boys.

 For example, there is absolutely no pink anywhere in my house.  None.  I live a life without pink.

We own approximately 10,000 Legos and 8 of the same Batman guy.  Not mention two Mr. Freeze characters, 12 Buzz Lightyear figures, and 22 ninja swords.  They play with things like Trashies, rubber snakes, and more than once, I've been laying in bed and reached in to find a little Lego guy of some kind.

 My boy's favorite game to play is 'wilderness'.  Where they pretend like they live in the woods, catch their own food, and wear coonskin hats.  Yes, this game was thought up by Brandon.  And, he loves to play it with them.

 And, although, I've tried with all of my might to keep any type of play gun out of the house.  They make them out of legos, blocks, paper, and yes, even their toast.  Luckily, we've taught them only to aim their 'shooters' at our hand drawn targets to practice their skills.

They love basketball, soccer, riding bikes, playing in the dirt and sand, climbing the fort, and their absolute favorite is playing baseball in the front yard with their dad.

They have the stinkiest feet ever.  And, their hands are almost always matter what.  They could care less about clothes or if they 'match' or have any type of name brand.

But, something else about these boys of mine.  Well, they give the biggest hugs.  They let me (yes, me, their Momma) give them kisses when I drop them off at school and daycare.  They hold my hand....all of the time.  And I love it.

They draw pictures, make bracelets with looms, and love to do my hair.  They help me make cookies and decorate for Christmas. And, they are crafty.

Parker loves to write and play school and Andrew loves to be his student.

They love to sing and make music.

They are insightful and caring.

So you see, while all of those stereotypical things about boys definitely describe my two, there are so many things about these guys that are outside of that stereotype.  I love that about them. (Even though they still don't like pink.)

And, when the toilet seat is left up, they are peeing on each other in the bathtub, they let one rip and think it's hilarious, they wrestle until something falls off of the wall and breaks, they wear a cape for days and won't take it off, when all they want to do is sword fight, jump and climb on  me, and build crazy Lego forts and Wipeout courses...well...that's when I think of just how amazing and incredible it is to be a mom of boys.  Because I know that for all of the crazy, ultimate 'boy' moments, there's a scraped up knee that needs to be kissed, a hand to be held, and a snuggle to steal...and, I'm holding on to it. Because, for me, there's nothing greater than being a mom of boys. 

***I know mom's of girls have such similar stories.  What makes you smile about your children?  It's fun to think about that and then watch for how much they do and say that makes you smile every day...things that are different.  Be thankful for these differences and embrace the innocence of your children.

Happy holidays, my friends!

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