Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Half of a Year

For Mother's Day, the boys gave me a digital picture frame to keep at work so that I have hundreds of photos with my boy's smiling faces looking at me all day long. I absolutely love it! And, as I was going through all of our photos from the past six months to upload into the frame (well over 1000 photos), the photos made me think of Andrew's six month birthday that is on Friday!

Six months?! Can it be true?! Although the photos from November seem like a hundred years away, time has certainly flown by and I look back wondering where the days have gone?! There are plenty of memories- the pictures prove that- but, as my parent friends can all atest too, the second time around (with child #2), time definately does not slow fact, sometimes I feel like we're set on fast-forward!

Andrew is becomming a big boy- sitting up on his own, eating baby food, scooting around on his tummy to get to toys, grabbing at everything (especially my food), and intently taking in his surroundings everywhere we go. He loves to sing along with Parker's TV shows and his newest noise is a "baby raptor" screech that he loves to make at random times throughout the day. Yes, Andrew has grown so much since that day 6 months ago when he was born. And, I am excited to tell him "Happy Half a Year Birthday!"

November 20, 2010

Six Months Old

Here is my Baby Raptor:

Not only has Andrew been developing and changing at rapid speed, but Parker is growing WAY too fast for my comfort! His legs are dangly, and he looks like a full grown boy! Not to mention that he can now pretty much write any letter of the alphabet, can write his name on his own, as well as one of my favorite words, "MOM". His mind moves so fast and the stories he tells have me thinking, laughing, asking questions, and wondering, "where in the world did he come up with this?!"

Parker's biggest accomplishment in the past month has been learning to pedel on his "big boy bike" (which is quickly becomming too small for him to ride). Now, Parker's favorite thing to do is ride his bike up the street with Brandon to get a Sno Cone. I'm noticing that I get a funny (but wonderful) feeling in my heart when Parker learns to do things that I remember doing as a parents of young children, we get so accustomed to them doing "little" kid things and needing help with everything. I guess I never thought past the age of 3, when Parker would be doing all of these "big boy" things on his own...without help (luckily, he is still a momma's boy and last night he even told Brandon, "Dad, I love you, but actually, I love Mom more." He he!).

Here is Parker on his Lightning McQueen bicycle.

And, just for fun...because tomorrow is Parker's 44 month birthday, here is a photo of Parker on the day he was born- September 20, 2007.

The other day, I was chatting with one of my friends at work who recently had twins (she is my new hero). We were both reminiscing about the birth of our babies and it brought back so many memories of Andrew's birth, as well as Parker's. They were both very different experiences and both of those moments brought so much joy into our lives through two baby boys. Brandon and I are overwhelmed with pride and love for our boys and one of the things we are most proud of is that we've survived the past half of a year as the parent's of two little boys (and we've had fun doing it!), we only have forever to go!

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