Wednesday, May 4, 2011

30 Things I Know To Be True

Because I'm entering the second half of my 30th year, I thought it would be appropriate to think about and list 30 things that I know to be true- 30 things that I've learned in the 30 years I've been on this Earth. These are the words I live by and the thoughts that I believe in..... (In no particular order).

1. Children laughing (especially your own children) is the absolute BEST sound I've ever heard.

2. Life is too short to always eat your vegetables- in other words- enjoy your food!

3. Don't let others judge you (although they may be doing it....don't buy into their judgements)- about how you raise your children, what you eat, what you wear, when you exercise, etc.

4. Don't spend more than you have.

5. Money doesn't buy happiness.

6. Kisses and ice cream really do make everything better.

7. Always wear sunscreen.

8. Drink plenty of water.

9. Even when life seems to be out of control, take time to breathe....relax.

10. Look on the bright side, even when it seems like there isn't one.

11. Be true to your matter what it is- believe in it.

12. Teach your kids to be polite- it will take them far in life.

13. Even when people are their absolute worst to you, rise above it and be the better person.

14. Always kiss your babies goodnight....and your husband.

15. Snuggle every moment you get.

16. Our dog was meant to be in our family.

17. Everything tastes better when Mom makes it.

18. Exercise for fun.

19. Know that it's okay to be sad, angry, and frustrated, but get over it quickly and think of your blessings.

20. Never go to bed angry.

21. Don't watch too much TV.

22. Keep a journal and go back and read it every now and then- remember your life experiences and grow from them.

23. Visit your grandparents, before it's too late.

24. Tell your family how much you love them every chance you get...even if they think it's mushy.

25. Make others happy, but don't forget about yourself!

26. Get pedicures and massages as often as you can.

27. Dream with your husband (or wife, or girlfriend, or boyfriend) and celebrate accomplishments together.

28. Do what feels right.

29. Speak your mind, but not too freely.

30. Never go to bed when there's a sink full of will feel so much better if you just get it done!

This year of being 30 is half over....I'm on the downward stretch and I have to admit that this year has been the greatest year of my life. I have two beautiful little boys, a loving husband, a fabulous career, and great family and friends. As for what "I Know To Be True," I feel more secure in my thoughts, my beliefs, and my life more now than ever. This coming of age is working out for me and I am looking forward to what I will "Know To Be True" in the next 30 years!

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