Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Winner!!

So, we didn't actually draw the winner's name at 6:00 pm- as on most beautiful, spring days...this evening we went to the park, ate dinner outside, played outdoors some more- until the sun started to fade, took a bath (a bath is a necessity from being outside so much), had a bedtime snack, and read our books. Somewhere in between the bath and bedtime snack, I pulled Parker aside to pull out a name!!

Yay! I was so excited to do this!! Parker reached into his red KU hat and pulled out a name.....when he did....I laughed! I thought to myself, "What are the odds?!" Yes, what are the odds that one of the GREATEST DAD'S I know would win this Mommy Bling!?

I looked at Brandon and said, "What are the odds that you and Justin (probably the only two dad's on this Earth who read blogs) would both win contests meant for women?!" But, I have to admit, I am SO excited about Justin winning this beautiful bracelet for his beautiful wife, who just happens to be one of my best friends!!

The best part about Justin winning this bracelet, is that he is probably the PROUDEST dad that I know. Justin loves his boys so much and would probably wear this bracelet, just to show off his kiddos! Ha ha!

Justin- you give me a call when you read this and we can work out how to order the bracelet!! Yay!

I will also be making a gift in your honor to the Heart of Missouri United Way- to help the people of Joplin, MO.

And, just for fun, and because we are such good friends, here are some photos for Justin:

Remember this night....when our two families became the best of friends? Look at how young we look!

And, remember these...just a few days after Caden was born?

And, here's one of Parker and Caden from just the other night!

I can't seem to find any photos of all of our boys, so the next time we get together, we've got to sit them all down (if that's possible) and get a picture!!!

Now....just because you didn't win this contest....don't give up!! I had so much fun doing this one, I think I'll do another one real soon!! If you love this bracelet as much as I do, please check out JLynnCreations on Etsy and get one for yourself. Every mom deserves some Mommy Bling!!

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