Monday, July 30, 2012

Trying To Keep Up

Has it really been over a week since I've updated this thang?!  We have just been so busy, busy.  I do believe that Saturday night was our FIRST meal together as a family at our own dining room table in 4 weeks.  No lie.  I hate that.  Two weeks of evening swimming lessons, a week of vacation {where we ate a lot of food together, just not at home, at our table}, and then a week of VBS {where they, thankfully, made us dinner every night}, made it impossible for me to make a meal and gather everyone to sit at the table and eat it.

Also, it's been hot.  And, to be honest, I don't want to cook.  There, I said it.  For that reason, I'm glad we've been busy.

But, I'm so thankful for our calm weekend at home.

I took Parker on Friday to get his 5 year immunizations - all four of them.  OUCH!

My Parker-Man is brave.  He got right up in the chair and looked at me like, 'Hey, no's just a little pinch, right mom?!'  Yep, that's right.  Until you see the size of the needles.  Not to mention there's FOUR of them.  My brave boy quickly turned into a puddle of tears as I picked him up, held him tight, and the kind nurse gave him one, two, three, four shots in his little legs.  He screamed and cried out 'Momma!' and it broke my heart.

Then it was over.  And, we got ice cream.  And, we played with Aunt Dani {Aunt Dani fixes everything}.

Then, it happened.  I've never had a child get sick from shots before.  He got a fever, was extremely tired, didn't want to eat, felt sick to his stomach, and he slept and slept and slept.  So, we got just what we needed - a day at home.

We did a lot of this.

We snuggled, ate snacks, watched movies, took naps, and I loved it.

And then on Sunday, Parker perked up enough to go to church, but he wasn't perky enough to get up in front of an audience and perform his VBS songs.  This was strange.  I've never had the kid that didn't want to perform.  You all remember Parker's first school performance, right?!

Meanwhile, Andrew's been growing, growing, growing.  No matter how hard I try, I can't get him to slow down.  He's big now.  He can run and run and run.  And, he's fast.  He is sweet and crazy and incredibly cute.  I mean really, look at him.  He's also smart.  He is sneaky.  And, he loves to eat cookies.  While running through the house, giggling.

Something else Andrew loves, his brother.  And, this weekend when Parker wasn't feeling well, Andrew stepped right up to help take care of his Big Bubba.  Don't even try to call Parker, 'Parker' around Andrew.  He'll correct you.  Parker is officially, Bubba.

Oh yeah, Andrew also loves climbing in boxes, so while Parker was snuggled up in my bed, I caught Andrew doing this.

He is a goofball.

I am tired of these dog days of summer.  I'm ready for fall.  I'm ready for our routine to get back in its' groove.  I'm ready for cooler weather and football games, and the first day of school, and all of the fun that comes with our fall season - birthdays, anniversaries, holidays.  While I'm cherishing these super busy summer days, I'm literally getting burnt out.  But, I wouldn't trade it - swimming lessons, family vacations, boys who are active and loving life - this is what we've always dreamed of.  Watching these boys of mine grow up busy and active is amazing!

Happy Monday my friends!  I wish you all a wonderful week!

{I know my week will be wonderful - my friend Joy starts working with me at the University this week and I can't wait!!}


Brandon said...

I don't read every blog post, though I should. I'm glad I read this one. I just wish it wasn't at 1am watching Despicable Me with Andrew.

Love you!

brookeriffel335 said...

Just as I was turning off the light to go to bed, Andrew woke up. He love his DAD though and wanted him to snuggle. Brandon- You are THE BEST!