Thursday, April 28, 2011

Little Fuzzies and A Comb Over

Unlike Parker, Andrew was born with little baby hairs....tiny little blonde fuzzies all over his head that make his big noggin look bald. Parker, on the other hand, was born with a full head of dark hair- that quickly became a dark comb-over which made Parker look like a little man way too soon! What made me think of this? Every night, while I'm sitting in Andrew's room, rocking him before bed and feeding him, these are the things that run through my I'm looking down at Andrew's little fuzzies on his head....and I find myself thinking about all of the ways that my boys are alike and the many ways that they are different.

I think their difference in hair is kind of symbolic of their personalities. Parker has always been fast- growing up too fast for his own good, learning things quicker than the other kids, and he's always looked older than he really is. While Andrew is taking his time (I am so happy about this)and he looks like a baby (which I love about him), he isn't rushing to do new things, Andrew is slow and sweet, and I have a feeling this is how his personality will be throughout life.

I can't help but wonder how these little guys of mine will shape up- what will their personality be like in 3 years...when Andrew is Parker's age and Parker is finishing up his first year of Kindergarden. What will they be like in 5 years or even 10 years! In 10 years, my Parker will be a teenager! Then I tell myself...."whoa, slow down momma!" I am enjoying every bit of both of these boys and I am so glad they are different and so blessed because I get the best of both worlds of both of my little boys!!

So, from little fuzzies to the comb over, my boys are each their own and they are both so special and sweet to me!

And...just for fun, here's a recent picture of Andrew and a picture of Parker at the same age!


And, Parker...

Even though they are both very different- aren't they just the cutest, sweetest boys you've ever laid eyes on?!


Courtney said...

they are both just adorable!!! those eyes - wow! and obviously both KU fans :) what sweet little face you get to smooch!

brookeriffel335 said...

Thanks Courtney! You are so sweet!!! It's so fun to see how we've all grown into our little families- you, John, and Jax are so cute! :)

Auntie April said...

Parker looks so much like you when you were a baby and Andrew looks so much like Brandon. Both of them are beautiful, of course!