Monday, August 1, 2011

Coming To An End...

For the past four summers Aunt Dani has fearlessly watched Parker, and for the first time this summer, Andrew. When I first asked my younger sister, Dani, to watch Parker four years ago, I had no idea what to expect. How would my younger sister be with my little boy....would she enjoy her summer....would Parker give her a run for her money?

She's taken my kids (and sometimes even their friends) to the swimming pool, to eat Sno Cones, to the park, to the museum, to the KU Campus, to her apartment...she took naps, made meals, made bottles....she's been spit up on, pooped on, cried on, and seen the hottest days of summer with my two boys.

Dani went from watching this little boy....

To this little boy...

To these monkeys (last summer)....

To my two boys.

She's taught them letters, read books, watched more kid's movies than she ever dreamed. Aunt Dani taught Parker to potty in the toilet and she's almost got Andrew crawling. She's been so good to my boys and we are sad that her reign of Aunt Dani in the summer time has ended.

It is bittersweet that my younger sister has to grow up and go off to do what she's been working so hard to do. It's sad because she isn't just leaving our house for another year, but she is actually moving to Nebraska to follow her dreams.

Aunt Dani holds a very special place the hearts of my two know this when you're on vacation and Parker keeps asking when we will see Aunt Dani again...or when Aunt Dani walks in the door and Andrew's face lights up with a twinkle in his eye and a grin from ear to ear. Heck, even Bella loves Aunt Dani and, although she barks at her as she's walking up to the door, as soon as Dani comes inside our home, Bella's tail is wagging as fast as it can!

Yep, Dani, this post is dedicated to you. For the hours you spent at our house...making sure my boys were safe and having fun. We are so thankful for the past four years that you've helped us through the summer and for everything you've done to make my boys happy and smart and for all of the memories you've given them.

And, while we wish you well in whatever the future holds for you...we will miss you!

You better believe we'll be up to visit you soon!

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