Friday, August 5, 2011

Flash Back Friday: Best Friends!

I've got the two BEST friends that a girl can have. And, today, I got to take a vacation day from work, from the boys, from housework, and from the craziness that we call life, and spend the day catching up with my two best friends.

Jamie: We've been best friends since high school...running together, going to parties together, going to the lake, just hanging out, and going from a couple of boy crazy, immature high school girls to what we are today: strong, independent, smart, and AWESOME women! You've taught me so much about life (especially in the past 2 years) and about just how amazing you are. You are a rock and someone that I know I can always call (even if it's been 3 months) to talk about anything. And, even though you've been in Florida for the past 6 seems like just yesterday that we were walking the beaches of Cancun, talking about all of the things young girls talk about. It was so good to see you today and to pick up where we left off the last time we talked. You know I will do anything for you and that I wish you the very best in this next chapter of life (and I can't wait to come and visit you)! I know you've got an amazing adventure ahead of you and I am so proud of you and proud to call you my best friend!!

(After the 2006 Chicago Marathon that we ran together!)

Julie: I don't know where to start!! We were brought together because of Jamie and ever since the day we really "got to know each other" we've been the best of friends! It seems like we've been friends forever, but it's really only been 6 years or so. Maybe that's because we've been through the most life-changing experience together: becoming mommies. Or, maybe it's because every time we talk and every time we get together we have the most laughs, talks, and fun moments that two people (and couples) can have!! I love it that we both have two boys- that I have to say are the cutest little boys I've ever met! And, I love it that our husbands also consider each other "best friends", although, they would never use that term! Ha ha! You are someone that I turn to with all of my fun and exciting news (remember telling each other we were pregnant for the first time?!) and you are someone that I turn to with sad, scary, and bad news. You are always there and always ready to talk me through it. Thank you, for being here with me...I am excited about continuing this journey of life with you!!

(In 2007....look at how pregnant we are!)

This Flashback Friday represents the history of my friendships with these two girls...and why they are so important to me!

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