Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Camp

Little boys....at the farm....for 5 straight days....it's time for Summer Camp at Grandma and Grandpa's farm!

Mom and Mahlon, you are brave. You happily invited these three crazy cousins to your house for 4 nights and 5 days of some major summer time fun!

Cooper (6), Cameron (4), and Parker (3) had the time of their lives at summer camp...

And, on Saturday when it was time to pick them up, it's no wonder that they all pleaded, cried, and begged to stay "just one more night" at the farm!!

You see...at the farm...these boys get to some pretty cool things.

Like, tie- dye t-shirts,

Paint benches,

Build tents out of sheets,

Climb the climbing tree (over and over and over),

Go on hikes,

And, yes, they even get to pee outside. (Ha ha ha ha ha!)

They ate hotdogs cooked on a campfire, ate juice popsicles to stay hydrated, fed the goats, played with sticks, made up games, acted as goofy as three boys can act....and the best part about summer camp- they have memories and stories that will last them a lifetime.

Memories that they'll always have of their time with Grandma and Grandpa and their special cousin time at the farm. A time when they can just be boys.

Thanks Mom and Mahlon for giving these boys the time of their life at Summer Camp 2011!

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