Thursday, August 25, 2011

Juggling Act

Do you ever feel like you are juggling your way through life; trying to keep everything from crashing to the ground? Well, that is our life lately.

These are our craziest months. Don't get me wrong, everything we are juggling is fun: this is the most exciting time at work for both Brandon and I, football season is here, Parker starts school in just a few short days, Andrew is changing everyday and learning so much, Parker is playing soccer this fall, Brandon gets to go on a trip to Las Vegas for work (poor guy!), my schedule becomes busier (but also more flexible), we are planning two of the most special birthday parties this fall (Parker on September 20 and Andrew on November 20), Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, all of the Boards and Civic Organizations that Brandon and I serve on are getting busy with fundraising activities and meetings, we've got numerous Saturday mornings scheduled with 5K runs (the only way Brandon and I can get ourselves in gear to workout), and, I won't even go into all of the "family time" activities we have planned!

This list is never ending. And, while I love the Autumn months - they are by far my favorite months - I find myself looking forward to winter, when things slow down just a little.

This post is just a warning....things will be slow on this blog for a while, so we can work on our juggling act. But, don't worry, the circus will be gone soon and I'll be able to share it all with you! Life is good!

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