Tuesday, August 30, 2011


There's nothing better than seeing your kids form that sibling bond that they will have forever. This happens when they are young (when the 2nd child is born) and watching it evolve and turn into pure love and adoration is one of the most amazing things a parent can experience with their children.

My boys have that bond. They've got this love for each other, that only these two Riffel brothers can have. And, just recently, they've really started showing this bond...expressing their fondness of each other.

Parker can't go two seconds without touching Andrew: Patting him on the back, rubbing his cheeks, holding his hand, snuggling...these boys love to be near each other all of the time.

Andrew is in love with Parker...always giving him kisses, crawling after him, laughing hysterically at everything Parker does, and making silly noises to show off for his brother.

And, just in the past few days, they've come up with a nickname for one another. "Bubba." It's pretty much all that Andrew can say and he says it all the time (looking at Parker, trying to get Parker's attention, and wanting his brother's undivided attention). Parker started saying it because Andrew said it...and now it is stuck. They call each other Bubba. Parker is "Big Bubba" and Andrew is "Little Bubba."

Now we're all calling the boys "Bubba" and it makes my heart melt to see them smile the biggest smile whenever they hear the other one say it.

I hope this bond that these boys have will last them a lifetime and that one day I'll be able to tell them about how their nicknames for each other originated.

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