Friday, October 7, 2011

I wish I knew what I know now...

...when I was younger. Do you ever sing this song to yourself? Have you ever thought this on your birthday?

There comes a time when we all 'grow up.' We become our own person. Or maybe that's not quite right. I think it's more of a 'growing into ourselves' time in our life.

As I celebrated my 31st birthday today, I couldn't help but feel like I've finally figured this out. That I've finally 'grown into myself'. The thing about it is this: All day today, I found myself singing these words..."I wish I knew what I know now, when I was younger..."

So, on my birthday today, I want to share with you what I now know to be true....the things I wish I had known when I was younger:

1) Family is my number one priority.

2) I have a lot of true don't waste your time with the ones that aren't really all that friendly.

3) Time passes too quickly- make the most of EVERY moment.

4) Take more time to enjoy the simple things in life.

5) Don't take people for granted.

6) Love what you do in life.

7) Don't do things only to please those around you....refer to #6.

8) Dieting is not what you want, exercise, and don't let others influence your behavior.

9) Money doesn't matter (well, only a little bit).

10) Credit cards are not worth it.

11) Nap when someone tells you to.

12) Be silly with your kids, give them kisses every day, tell them how much you love them....time passes too quickly!

Yeah for becomming older and wiser! I had a great birthday- my boys spoiled me and I loved every minute of it (well...except for the gift that the dogs left for us this morning. More about that later....when we see if my home remedy carpet cleaner works)!!

We ate yummy food, I received the greatest favorite was the card that Parker picked out for me, and we even had time for a trip to the Toy Store in Lawrence. We have so much fun together!

Thank you for all of the cards, phone calls, text messages, and Facebook posts (do you think we'll still be sending FB posts when we're all turning 90?)! Thank you for making me feel so special!

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