Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Movies

Andrew's new word for the week is "Ugh Oh!" He says this when he throws a ball that no one catches, when he drops food off of his highchair, when he bonks you in the head, and anytime he just wants to be silly and say something!

And, as you can see, Parker is having fun with his brothers new words!

Andrew now knows how to say: Momma, Da Da, Bubba (Brother), Bel - la, Ugh oh, Up (although it's more of just a P sound), Ball (sounds like a really low growl), he can act like a puppy, and he absolutely adores all cats! He is growing up so fast and he is soaking up everything around him!!

I love this video...these two brothers have so much fun together! Yesterday, I walked into the boy's computer room (that they share with their Dad) to find them like this.

Yes, Andrew has his own keyboard....that isn't really attached to anything. Would you expect anything less from Brandon?

What a fun weekend we had! We spent the ENTIRE weekend together and most of it was spent at home! That rarely happens to us this time of year...I am so thankful for it!

As the fall weather starts to cool off, I can't help but think about Andrew's first birthday, that is just around the corner (or 4 weeks and 6 days away) and I get butterflies in my tummy. I have this bittersweet taste in my mouth about this huge milestone my son is about to reach. Just one yeat ago I was super, duper excited and eagerly awaiting the arrival of our sweet Andrew. Now look at him...talking, almost walking, eating big person food....what happened to the year!

I know everyone feels this way about their do you cope with time running away from you?

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