Thursday, October 13, 2011

Loosing My Wits

I've written this before....this time of year is crazy for us! And, it seems to be that every fall we just get busier and busier. And it seems that this fall will go down in the history books as the craziest one yet!

As a Mom, I am always trying to balance everything...I believe this is something that men have the priviledge of not worrying about. I'm trying to balance work life, our extra-curricular activities, social life, school life, finances, service work, and most importantly, our daily family life! And, sometimes, just sometimes, I can't quite balance all of it and it seems like in an instant everything that I'm trying to balance, comes crashing down in one big bang!

Now don't get me wrong. I count all of this craziness as a blessing...but, more often than not, these blessings come in the disguise of stress, worries, and always wanting to be able to do MORE.

So, this past weekend, when it seemed like one thing after another kept going, in my opinion, 'wrong'. I felt myself starting to loose it. I was actually loosing my wits. I felt myself snapping at everything the kids and Brandon said and did. I was mad at the dogs and our house guest for the messes they were making, and worst of all, I felt myself dreading our super fun weekend that was full of all of the things I loved...all because I had lost my wits.

THANKFULLY, I remembered something. We all do this sometimes. As mothers we want to constantly be ahead of the game. We want to be super moms and have super powers to make everything perfect for our families. We want to do it all, have it all, be it all....and, when I started to really think about loosing my wits this past weekend, I decided to really take a look at what I was so crazy about.

Here's where my thoughts ended up:

Motherhood requires much of us. Life requires much of us. If everything in motherhood and in life were easy, where would we be? We'd be lazy, we wouldn't have learned anything, we wouldn't be passionate about anything and we wouldn't be GRATEFUL for all of the GOOD that happens around us. I remembered that the key to getting my equilibrium back is to take a deep breath, smile, and get over it! Yes, that's right, just get over it! Which I did...I thought about EVERY good detail of our crazy world and it made me feel gave me peace of mind...and I got my wits back.

Afterall, if I hadn't gotten my wits back, I wouldn't have enjoyed these moments...

My Soccer Star getting his medal for doing so well!

Andrew...loving his brother's medal!

Our trip to Pome on the Range...

Our Fall visit to the farm...

Grandma Elaine (finally) being able to go to the 'camping spot' at the farm!

Andrew loves the farm!

Painting our toast...

And Andrew's VERY sweet smile!

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