Thursday, November 10, 2011


I've been asked numerous times in the past few weeks about loosing in, am I loosing weight? I have a confession to make - I have no idea if I've been loosing weight, in fact, I never, EVER look at a scale. Why, you might ask, do I never look at a scale (especially when people are asking me if I'm loosing weight)? To be honest, I don't like looking at scales. I've never been happy with my weight, I've always weighed more than I would like and, according to statistics and my BMI (body mass index), I am, let me ask something: why would I want to look at a scale?

I will, however, admit that my clothes ARE fitting a little looser, my face is looking a little thinner, and it seems like I am feeling a little bit better about myself with each passing day. I say 'each passing day', because if you're a mom, it seems like each day after you have a baby, you start to feel a little more like your old self...a little more 'normal'.

Nope, I haven't been dieting....nor have I been excessively excercising...nor have I been doing anything out of the norm...because, let's face it, I love eating and who has time for exercising?! I love cookies, I love Sonic drinks, I love cooking, and I love spending time with my boys. So, you ask, what have I been doing?

First of all, I chase two big boys around my house throughout the day- upstairs, downstairs, carrying 25 pounds of sweet Andrew, and when I do sit's only when I am asked to join in on fun playtime with the boys...I become a climbing toy...I am crawling into a box or a tent made out of really, I am never sitting still. Now, for all of you SAHM's out there- more power to you, because I do have a full-time job where, for about half the time, I am sitting at a desk, at a computer, not chasing my kiddos. This sometimes feels like relaxation. Work = Relaxation?

Second of all, I don't eat huge portions of food. I think this comes with age. I just can't eat all that much anymore. I feel sick if I eat a huge meal. I feel really gross if I eat fast food. But, I still eat. I love pizza. I love coca cola. I love rice krispy treats...the trick is to eat what you like, but in moderation. Which can sometimes be difficult, but in the end, I feel much better about my day when I haven't over-indulged...a little indulging is okay.

Working out. I don't work out as much as I would like. I love running and I love the way I feel after a great workout, but do you know what I love more? I love staying in my cozy bed, snuggling a sweet 4 year old and (almost) 1 year old on these cold mornings. I love playing in the evenings and fixing a good dinner for my, working can wait (And, let me go back to the chasing kids part of the post. Chasing Kids = Exercise).

So, my advice to everyone out there who has been asking me about loosing weight. Don't worry about it. The key to feeling good about the way you look is all in how you see yourself. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you satisfied with what YOU are doing with YOUR life? Don't worry about what others think, how others look, how others dress...and focus on yourself and finding what makes you feel good about yourself. When you do this...everything else will fall into place. Don't weigh'll never be satisfied. Don't try every diet (they don't work). Wear clothes that you feel pretty in. Eat what you love to eat, but waaaay back in the back of your head, remember that food isn't what makes us happy.

And, I promise, that when you do'll start to feel good and really find what makes you happy. Your clothes will start to fit a little better and you'll find that when you look in the mirror, you like what you see.


Anonymous said...

Aww- you look great no matter what the scale says!


happeningsofourhome said...

Great advice, Brooke! You are so very right! It's so easy to compare ourselves to everyone around us, but if we're truly happy, it will shine to the world! Great post! And just for the do look amazing! =)