Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Scroll

My Parker-Man has to be one of the smartest four year olds on the planet. Don't believe me??!! Listen to this:

The other night Parker and I had just finished up wrapping Andrew's birthday gifts and one of the paper rolls had run out, leaving behind brown paper, rolled up a couple of times (I guess this is what is used now instead of a cardboard tube?). I picked it up, put it up to my eye and pretended like it was a telescope and I was spying on Parker.

Parker looked at me and said, "No Mom, this is NOT a telescope, this is my scroll." What did he just say?! A scroll?! How in the world does my four year old know what a scroll is?? Not to mention what a scroll is used for...

He took that 'scroll' from me, walked over to his table, got some Veggie Tales stickers out, his markers, and proceeded to draw a map on the 'scroll' and place his Veggie Tales characters in very strategic spots for a battle that was about to take place. Now, my Mom was with us....she will verify how intelligent this 'scroll' decorating was...and with her help, Parker ended up with a pretty awesome map on his 'scroll'.

Yep, I'd say this is one of those times when I ended up just watching in amazement as my big guy explained something to ME....and taught me a few things about using a scroll. That's right, he is definitely one of the smartest four year olds on the planet.

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