Sunday, November 20, 2011

Today was Good...

Today was fun!

There's something so special about celebrating your child's first birthday. Maybe it's because it's a little scary and very exciting. Maybe it's because you've survived that first year (with a little less sleep and a lot more love). Maybe it's because this little person was just a tiny, little infant, just one year ago and now they are this little person with an awesome personality. Maybe it's because you've been dreaming about this day for years. Maybe it's because this little guy owns your heart and to celebrate his birthday for the first time means more than anyone will ever know. Yes, all of these reasons cause this day to be special...and our Little Bubba turns one today.

While we celebrate today with family and friends, I can't help but feel bittersweet toward Andrew getting older. As my youngest son, I find myself hanging on for dear life to the traits and characteristics that keep him a baby. And, while I know he won't be a baby forever (a girl can wish, can't she?), part of me wants to rock him to sleep every night until he's 5 and feed him mush and bottles forever...but, knowing this isn't what life has in store for my little guy, I have to move past that feeling and celebrate this magical day and huge milestone in Andrew's life.

Andrew's birthday was special. Themed the Cat in the Hat by Big Bubba, we went all out to make this occasion special for our little guy.

We had food...

Although, I can't seem to find the photos I took of the went something like this: Green Eggs and Ham, Oodles of Noodles, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and From There to Here and Here to There - Funny Things Are Everywhere! We had fun with the food and THANK YOU mom for making the green eggs!

We had cake...

We had a pinata...

There were presents...

Friends and family gathered from miles around...

And, most importantly, our little one year old had fun!

And, when the party was over and we were headed home...I had a feeling that this party would be one that we would remember forever. And, while time can't stand still and we aren't forever young, my sweet Andrew still has many birthdays to come and this first birthday was only the beginning.

Happy Birthday Little Bubba.

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