Monday, November 7, 2011

Walkin' and a Talkin'

Yep, that's right folks, Andrew is now a walker! And, although he still believes it's faster to crawl, we've seen it. We've watched him walk across the room (when he thinks no one is looking) and I've heard Parker teaching him, encouraging him with, "Great job, Andrew!" I just love it! Now, if I could only get him to walk when I've got the camera out...then I'd really have proof!

And, with this new empowerment of walking, Andrew has become quite the little jibber-jabberer. Who woulda thought we'd have another Riffel boy who LOVES to talk? Andrew loves to talk just as much as Parker and Brandon. This Momma can't get a word in!

Just wait....I'll have some good footage in the next few days! I know, the suspense is killing you! It's going to be good!

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